As simple as that! Give new life to clothes & handbags you have always loved. Inspire others with your sense of style.
Ethnic Thread is a FREE fun fashion Mobile App which connects and enables all like minded fashion & beauty enthusiasts from all across the globe to sell, rent or exchange Ethnic outfits from their closet with anyone anywhere!
Besides that you can showcase your fashion and beauty talent and get discovered on a global platform or simply connect with awesome women around the world to share your gorgeous style!!
As simple as that! Give new life to clothes & handbags you have always loved. Inspire others with your sense of style.
Earn money from those who love your style. Then go guilt free shopping for that next new dress.
What do you offer? List it! Makeup & Hair, Skin Care, Fitness & Dance Sign-Up Here
Having difficulty keeping up with style trends? Follow fashionistas around you and their fashion finds.